Whitney Frost cosplay by CasualCosplayKatie

Whitney Frost cosplay by @CasualCosplayKatie@Instagram.com.

Google Photos reminded me that it’s been exactly 2 years since she was going to debut the cosplay at Long Beach Comic Con, but ended up not being able to go. We did a photoshoot anyway that morning, and she’s worn the outfit at several conventions since then, including the following year’s #LBCC

#cosplay #longbeachcomiccon #LBCC2016 #LBCC2017 #WhitneyFrost #AgentCarter

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Another of my #fotofails from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park…

Another of my #fotofails from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. I’m terrible at holding binoculars steady, so I’ll take zoomed photos to see what’s in the distance. I think these were antelope or something, but the camera autofocused on the cables holding a balloon between the deck I was standing on and the open area below. For comparison, the giraffes at a similar distance are a lot clearer.


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Pixel 2 vs. PowerShot SX710HS

Pixel 2 vs. PowerShot SX710HS.

I’m only a hobbyist photographer. I don’t have a really nice camera, just a point & shoot that I picked mainly for its optical zoom. And I’m still astonished that I can often get better pictures out of the tiny lens on my phone.

This is from #WonderCon over the weekend, my wife’s #cosplay as Whitney Frost from Agent Carter. The phone picture is so much sharper, and the Pixel 2 finally gets the color balance better too.

Album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kelsonv/albums/72157694829944955

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Birds of Madrona Marsh

Birds of Madrona Marsh in Torrance, California.

It’s a seasonal marsh, where the low-lying parts stay wet most of the year, but the rest dries out ever summer and floods during winter rains.

I spotted ducks, doves, geese, these black birds with bright red wings that sound like a smoke detector battery alert, this white bird that looked like it was fishing, plus dragonflies, a huge bee, and I heard (but didn’t see) frogs.

Full album (21 pics) on Flickr

#birds #photos

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Actually the croaking frogs might have been quacking ducks in the distance, now that I think about it.

On Photog.Social

I think the white bird might be a snowy egret, and that red-winged black bird turns out to be… a red-winged blackbird. 😄


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Total Solar Eclipse 2017 (Gallery)

Expanded on K2R

Orange: Sky, Flames, Balloon…

The first thing I noticed when going through my photos for the orange challenge is that I take a lot of sunset pictures! I made a point to mix it up and narrowed it down to twelve shots, then checked out how they looked together and settled on six. Then I realized I’d forgotten to upload one, and couldn’t bear to leave it out, bringing the gallery up to seven.

Ragged clouds in a blue sky, lit up yellow-orange just like a Maxfield Parrish painting…a bird of paradise flower…a cosplayer at Comic-Con dressed in a jumpsuit, wielding a Portal gun…ocean waves reflecting another sunset, made even deeper orange than usual by smoke from a wildfire….visiting the big orange balloon at Orange County’s Great Park…torches lighting the gateway to Adventureland at night…and finally a sunset shot, silhouetting the Manhattan Beach Pier…

There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland cosplay…

There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of Once Upon a Time in Wonderland cosplay out there, so here’s a feature post on my wife’s Alice costume from Comic-Con International.

She made the necklace and the vest, and beaded together two narrow belts to get the right look. Blouse, skirt, tights, belts and boots (plus material and beads) were obtained through shopping trips and online searches. Katie’s aunt helped adapt the pattern for the vest and do fitting. I helped with finding the pattern, sewing, transportation, and keeping our three-year-old son from melting down on those many shopping trips looking for just the right pieces.

Check out our SDCC 2014 photos to see pictures of her with other Wonderland characters, plus our usual collection of sightseeing and cosplay photos.

itswalky: i wanted to make everyone else as mad as i am right now…


i wanted to make everyone else as mad as i am right now, so here you go

thanks internet

addendum 1: yeah that’s right, that one at the bottom is using these characters to make an anti-environmental message somehow, LAND OF IRONY INDEED

addendum 2: the first strip in that linked Cagle.com archive is basically a redone Matt Bors cartoon from years back

Ugh. Winter doesn’t disprove global warming any more than night disproves lengthening days during spring. It’s midnight and the sun’s down!  So much for your days-getting-longer theory!

Last year’s solar eclipse seen from Los Angeles.

Last year’s solar eclipse seen from Los Angeles. I was waaaay out of the viewing area for yesterday’s eclipse seen across Australia and the Pacific Ocean, but I got to see a really good partial eclipse last year. More photos and commentary about the experience on my blog.

The sun sets into the smoke plume from the wildfires burning near Los Angeles. In …

The sun sets into the smoke plume from the wildfires burning near Los Angeles. In the first shot, the smell of smoke mingles with the more usual smell of jet fuel near LAX. In the rest, I’ve moved onto Dockweiler Beach nearby. See also the Flickr Photoset.

Yellow clouds near sunset.

Yellow clouds near sunset. It looked like the thicker clouds were actually raining – in fact, we could see a fragment of rainbow off to the right of the frame – but there was no sign of the rain actually reaching the ground anywhere.

They came out a bit too orange, now that I look at them again. But the golden hour sunlight reflected off of the cloud cover made for eerie lightning. It reminded me a bit of being in the smoke plume of a wildfire, except for the fact that the air was clear. (Clearer than usual, actually, with the Santa Anas blowing.)

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The Food Allergy Walk was a success.

The Food Allergy Walk was a success. Our team raised over $1,300, and the event overall raised about $45,000 (and that’s only the online donations.) Plus we got to hang out with family.

At Marina Green Park in Long Beach

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