Dark-eyed Juncos (roof vent and giant cable bundle)
They were making a chirp-chirp-chirp-chirp song that sounded like a toy ray gun.
Mitred Parakeet
Not sure what kind of bird’s nest this was
Not sure what kind of bird’s nest this was, but I saw a hawk perched in the same tree.
House Finch
A couple of Black Phoebes spotted in the cherry grove.
A couple of Black Phoebes spotted in the cherry grove.
Some days I spot a lot of birds at these gardens, some days (like on this one) I mostly just hear them. Though I was at least able to *see* some red-tailed hawks circling way up in the sky, even though I couldn’t get any photos of them.
On Photog.Social
On Flickr
On Flickr
On iNaturalist
On iNaturalist
Found an entry for #mosstodon on my walk today.
Desert Cottontail (SCBG, in bushes)
The second rabbit I saw on the walk.
Hermit Thrush
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe
Thank you, Google Photos, for reminding me of the Last Normal Day(tm)
Thank you, Google Photos, for reminding me of the Last Normal Day(tm). That evening I came down with the flu and by the time I recovered, everything was shutting down for Covid.
This fox squirrel was hiding at the base of a bush in a city park…
This fox squirrel was hiding at the base of a bush in a city park. As I approached, it ran up a nearby tree and then paused a few feet up.
#squirrel #photo #nature #animals
I went back through my photos and found one where you *can* see the green …
I went back through my photos and found one where you *can* see the green on the male wigeon’s head!
Here’s a male and a female, plus a coot. The coots were scattered around the entire pond, while the wigeons were mostly at one end (probably not coincidentally, the end where people were more likely to stand around tossing bread into the water. Right next to the sign saying not to feed the birds, especially not bread.)
Call your doctor if you experience double wigeon.
Call your doctor if you experience double wigeon.
There were SO MANY wigeons at the pond that day. A lot of the males were making this whistling sound like a squeaky toy and making a big display of flapping their wings. Duck waving, I suppose you could call it.
The males’ heads also had this green iridescence, but I couldn’t capture it.
#birds #nature #photo #wigeon #duck #swimming
I saw a few dozen wigeons swimming in the pond as well. Some of them were swimming in male/female pairings, while some of the males were making whistling/squeaky noises and displaying their wings.
I had such a hard time getting a shot of this Yellow-Rumped Warbler
I had such a hard time getting a shot of this Yellow-Rumped Warbler. It kept hopping from one twig to another as I tried to aim the camera, and actually hid behind some branches for a bit. But I finally got it!
Black Phoebes are one of those birds that I never noticed until a couple of years ago
Black Phoebes are one of those birds that I never noticed until a couple of years ago, but now I see them *all the time*. I’m fairly certain they’ve been here all along and I just wasn’t paying enough attention to birds before.
Wigeons and Allies
I saw a few dozen wigeons swimming in the pond as well. Some of them were swimming in male/female pairings, while some of the males were making whistling/squeaky noises and displaying their wings.
Mallard (pair swimming at Pollywog)
I think this pair of mallards might be the only ones I saw in the pond. Mostly I saw coots, wigeons and gulls.
American Coot
I saw *dozens* of coots swimming in the pond.