How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username

Wow. Some important lessons here on computer account security, for users and more importantly for service providers. The Twitter name isn’t the scary part…it’s that it was way too easy for the attacker to gain control of the domain name, email and web hosting with just a pair of phone calls.

How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter Username

A story of how PayPal and GoDaddy allowed the attack and caused me to lose my $50,000 Twitter username.

It looks like Apple has stopped releasing security fixes for older versions of MacOSX.

82% of enterprise Mac users not getting security updates

It looks like Apple has stopped releasing security fixes for older versions of MacOSX. “Microsoft has been taking heat for discontinuing Windows XP after supporting it for more than 12 years. I think Apple might be able to do a little better than 15 months.”

On Facebook

Vaccinations have done far more good than harm for the general health of the…

Vaccinations have done far more good than harm for the general health of the population. If you're opposed to vaccination in general, you're effectively asking to return to the days of severe childhood diseases, many of them with lifelong complications and high mortality rates.

On Facebook

Cosette’s best Christmas present ever: Jean Valjean showing up and taking her away from the Thenardiers.

Cosette’s best Christmas present ever: Jean Valjean showing up and taking her away from the Thenardiers.

Would a French village in 1823 have had a Santa Claus? Thinking of the over-the-top movie version of Master of the House.

Responsive Design Won’t Fix Your Content Problem

More on Responsive Design. It’s a great way (probably the ideal way) to make your site work across devices. But you still need to tailor your content, too. They’re complementary approaches.

Responsive Design Won’t Fix Your Content Problem

For years, we’ve told clients to serve the same content to every platform. We explained that Responsive Web Design allows content to squish itself into any container. Is it any wonder, then, that the…

Responsive Design Won’t Hurt Your SEO

I love how responsive design is seen as this new idea, allowing your website to adjust to different display sizes and types… when it was one of the original design principles of the web.

Google’s Matt Cutts: Responsive Design Won’t Hurt Your SEO

There are fewer SEO drawbacks when using responsive design versus a lightweight mobile version, but a mobile site can work just as well as responsive design, as long as you avoid dividing your PageRank…

Waterworld: The Right Way to Think About the Battles in Mobile

An interesting metaphor, and it certainly fits with the way I’ve looked at Google, Amazon, and Apple’s strategies.

Waterworld: The Right Way to Think About the Battles in Mobile

Here’s the frame that I use: Apple sells systems. Google sells services. Amazon sells content. Microsoft, in general, sells software, although that’s changing now.

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