10 Beautiful Art Nouveau Posters Of ’80s And ’90s Movie Heroines
Artist Kishokahime created a beautiful series of posters that reimagines our favorite movie heroines.
Archiving my Twitter, Facebook and other social network activity
10 Beautiful Art Nouveau Posters Of ’80s And ’90s Movie Heroines
Artist Kishokahime created a beautiful series of posters that reimagines our favorite movie heroines.
WOW! Photographers answer the question: What is the most amazing photo you have ever taken? – Quora
“These days no one really remembers who got something right first. People do remember who got it wrong first.”
Just when you think the week’s news can’t get any more surreal, you see a headline like “Ricin suspect hired by senator as Elvis impersonator”
Ricin suspect hired by senator as Elvis impersonator
WASHINGTON — A U.S. senator who was the intended recipient of a letter apparently laced with ricin said he had hired the suspected sender, an Elvis impersonator, to play at a wedding a decade ago.
The next time someone tells you email confirmation is too hard, consider: Every Facebook user confirmed their address
Tweeting during a disaster: Mistakes for journalists to avoid
Another take: The PC isn’t dying. Sales are down because…well, the old PCs are still alive and kicking.
Cool video: Silly putty eats a magnet. https://slate.com/technology/2013/04/silly-putty-eats-a-magnet-time-lapse-video-of-magnetism-at-work.html via @badastronomer
Another reason I still treat my blog as my primary online presence, not my Facebook, or Twitter, or Google +, etc.
Why Facebook, Twitter and Instagram put up roadblocks to each others’ content
Here's one to make your blood boil: A plagiarist sent the original author a cease-and-desist letter.
Making sure the web browser remains a *user* agent and not a corporate agent.
Erupting volcanoes & lightning, 2 great photo subjects that go great together. Sakurajima at APOD. https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap130311.html
Web Standards Project shutting down: https://www.webstandards.org/2013/03/01/our-work-here-is-done/
How we know the fireballs over Calif. & Cuba weren’t related to the Russian meteorite or the asteroid flyby. #SCIENCE
(For one thing, fireballs like that happen once a week somewhere.)
I’m going to have to start using “flaming goat cheese on a truck!” as a pseudo-curse.
This is even weirder than the truck full of meat that caught fire on the 5 near Camp Pendleton a few years back, blocking the entire freeway in an area with no alternate routes for a whole day.
Really? People claim Obama is making a power grab/end run around the legislature by…sending memos and directing agencies within the executive branch to analyze data, review safety standards and draw up model emergency procedures?
Hey, people who don’t like the EPA: This is what we’d have without it. Because, as the article points out, it’s what we *did* have *before* the EPA.
NASA snaps pics of China’s ‘Airpocalypse’ pollution disaster
Things you could do with the old web that newer sites can’t figure out – or don’t want to.
When you see interesting data mash-ups today, they are often still using Flickr photos because Instagram’s meager metadata sucks, and the app is only reluctantly on the web at all. We get excuses about why we can’t search for old tweets or our own relevant Facebook content, though we got more comprehensive results from a Technorati search that was cobbled together on the feeble software platforms of its era.