The software is wrong, not the people

Nice bit of perspective on software usability. I particularly like the comment, “No one feels passionate about SharePoint. But they do about WordPress.”

The Software is Wrong, Not the People | Joe Flood

It was a small moment at the WordPress DC Meetup. One of the creators of WordPress, Matt Mullenweg, was in town.

Comments on Google+:

Wayne: I’d love to buck the trend of saying “The computer is always right.” I like how having something open source allows us to act on and resolve our gripes so we don’t have to resign ourselves to the technology we depend on. After all, we are supposed to be the creators and therefore the masters, right? ;p (No matter how situations may actually play out. lol)

Regan: Definitely a refreshing perspective. After hearing David curse for about 5-7 hours straight trying to muddle through the quirks of the HTC software (he’d had a Pre for a couple years), I can definitely appreciate someone admitting that a program is wrong, not the user.