Pluto and Charon Keep Getting WEIRDER
Anyone else have a JoCo song running through their head after looking at the preview pic?
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Pluto and Charon Keep Getting WEIRDER
Anyone else have a JoCo song running through their head after looking at the preview pic?
Very thorough, worth reading if you have the time.
TL;DR: GMOs are not the problem. Pesticide/herbicide overuse, monoculture, and predatory business tactics are the problem, but they're neither unique to GMOs nor intrinsic to them.
Misleading rhetoric leads people to “fix” things that aren't problems in ways that can ignore the *real* problems — or even make them worse.
Domain Anonymity and the Brilliance of Entertainment Lobbyists
Heh. “when has the entertainment industry ever proposed something good for consumers or the internet?”
I like that “Inside Out” shows even negative emotions have value. For instance, disgust keeps you from being poisoned. Of course, the first time you see Disgust in action, she’s reacting to *broccoli*. Just because you’re disgusted by something doesn’t mean it’s *actually* harmful.
Tonight: Conjunction between Venus and Jupiter, less than half a degree apart in the sky — closer than the diameter of a full moon. Look to the west this evening after sunset fades.
The fact that people you don't approve of can get married now does not interfere with your religious freedom.
If you have a clear view to the west, check out how close Venus and Jupiter are in the sky.
Contrary to popular belief, Pop Tarts *can* go bad.
This reminds me of a text-mode Pac-Man clone I used to have in the DOS days.
> No, today’s world isn't more dangerous. You grew up during the most crime-ridden period in modern American history. By objective measures the country is far safer now.
Some speculation on why so many people are convinced that the opposite is true.
The Real Truth About Disney’s “Recycled Animation” – Updated
GeekDad *actually talked to* some animators who used to work for Disney.
The annoying ice cream truck music from 7 years, 2 apartments, and about 40 miles away has resurfaced in our neighborhood in the last few weeks. And J has learned it.
Is That Viral Quadruple Rainbow Picture Real?
This morning a picture tweeted by Nineteenth Amendment CEO Amanda Curtis on Long Island quickly went viral: It shows what looks like a quadruple rainbow!
“Always look up. You never know what's going on above your head.”
Very cool: a 360º fish-eye view of a solar eclipse.
SRSLY? Look, I like Peet’s coffee in general, and I’m not a fan of McDonald’s, but comparing their new iced blended coffee as containing “Double strength, fresh-brewed coffee” compared to *every ingredient* in a McCafe down to the guar gum goes beyond disingenuous.
Today's lesson: Always keep one computer connected to the router via a cable.