Tag: Photo (check)
Western Honey Bee
I thought I’d posted this a while back, but apparently I haven’t. Think of it as #AmongUs: Vegetable Edition.
I thought I’d posted this a while back, but apparently I haven’t. Think of it as #AmongUs: Vegetable Edition.
Hibiscus flower.
Lesser Goldfinch (yellow and black, on cables)
Red-tailed Hawk
I don’t know if it’s the same hawk I saw yesterday, but it’s in roughly the same area.
Mourning Dove
Typical Mockingbirds
It just sat there perched on the wire while I took several photos. It seemed totally unconcerned.
Say’s Phoebe
I’m not 100% certain – the yellowish color is mostly from the sunset lighting – but the head doesn’t seem to have the shape I’m used to seeing on Black Phoebes, which I see a lot more of here, and I have seen Say’s Phoebes in the area.
House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch (fuzzy yellow, on small cable)
dentist, covid stats
I’m normally not nervous about going to the dentist, but I’ve got my second pandemic-era visit coming up today. You can’t wear a mask while someone’s working on your teeth.
On the plus side, looking at the covid case rates over time makes me feel better, as LA county is back down to roughly the same rate it was at during my last visit in September (itself postponed from July, which was clearly a good decision).
Dark-eyed Juncos (roof vent and giant cable bundle)
They were making a chirp-chirp-chirp-chirp song that sounded like a toy ray gun.
House Finch
Cherry blossoms are coming in at the local botanic gardens
Cherry blossoms are coming in at the local botanic gardens. They have a grove with multiple different cherry trees in various stages of waking up for spring (some with a few flowers, some with more flowers and leaves, some still bare), and a few scattered trees elsewhere in the garden – some of which are already covered. But the tree in the fourth shot isn’t even in full bloom yet!
#nature #trees #photo #sakura #cherryblossoms #garden
Desert Cottontail (SCBG, in bushes)
The second rabbit I saw on the walk.
Hermit Thrush
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe
I had such a hard time getting a shot of this Yellow-Rumped Warbler
I had such a hard time getting a shot of this Yellow-Rumped Warbler. It kept hopping from one twig to another as I tried to aim the camera, and actually hid behind some branches for a bit. But I finally got it!