Marius’ Friends

After the wedding, Cosette starts spending time with “new acquaintances brought to her by marriage.” Who? All of Marius’ friends are dead.

Note: this is in the middle of a much longer blog entry. Need to decide whether to link just the picture, or u-syndication the whole thing, or what.

On Tumblr (Re-Reading Les Mis)

I was reading at lunch, mostly ignoring the music playing in the background, until…

I was reading at lunch, mostly ignoring the music playing in the background, until my brain latched onto a familiar set of notes and started trying to place it. Wait… That couldn't be a dance/pop version of “Popular” from “Wicked,” could it? Apparently it was.

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If you can’t be with the one you love…?

Montparnasse and Éponine have something going on, though it’s not clear what.

Montparnasse escaped capture after the attempted robbery because he left early, “more in a mood to amuse himself with the daughter than play hired assassin for the father.” In a later chapter, he’s described as “perhaps [Thénardier’s] unofficial son-in-law.”

It’s not clear how far it goes, though he’s more interested than she is. (She clearly has a thing for Marius from the moment you first meet her as a teenager.) In any case, it’s odd that Hugo dances around this, considering how frank he is about, for instance, Fantine’s relationship with Tholomyes.

Mostly in

On Tumblr (Re-Reading Les Mis)

Sometime in the middle of last decade, my allergist brought up the possibility of Xolair…

New Study: Asthma Medication May Facilitate Peanut Oral Immunotherapy

Sometime in the middle of last decade, my allergist brought up the possibility of Xolair as a way of controlling my allergies. It's approved as an asthma medication, but it works by inhibiting IgE, which is part of the pathway for most severe allergies as well. It was an off-label use, and hideously expensive at the time, so I didn't try it. It's interesting to see that it's getting studied now.

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Party like it’s 1977…

Comments on Facebook:

Brion Vibber: I assume that’s playing the disco version of the Star Wars theme…
May 27, 2013, 12:00 AM
Kelson Vibber: Or the Cantina song.
May 27, 2013, 12:10 AM
Lia Brown: Oh man, those record players were the best. Does it still work?
May 27, 2013, 9:36 PM
Kelson Vibber: Believe it or not, it’s new. It turns out there’s a whole subset of the toy market for retro toys.It’s a bit different under the hood – I’ve had to fix it once already, and it’s actually chip-driven, not classic music box works. I figure it’s probably cheaper these days to make it with fewer moving parts.
May 28, 2013, 8:34 AM
Marisa Saam: I had one of those! 🙂
May 29, 2013, 12:58 PM

Interesting idea: We can’t predict earthquakes, but we CAN send alerts faster than the shaking travels.

Interesting idea: We can’t predict earthquakes, but we can broadcast alerts faster than the shaking travels, giving people a few seconds to prepare. (Save your work, climb down off a ladder, etc.)

Quake experts call for an advance-warning system for California

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On K2R

I think someone’s confused about the concept of step-by-step directions.

I think someone’s confused about the concept of step-by-step directions.

Step 1: Following the above illustration and assemble the toddler bed. (Every single piece of the bed is shown in the single picture, below the text.

Wayne comments on Google+: Haven’t they heard of baby steps? sheesh

Lia comments on Facebook: Soon you will have your very own doomsday device. That is what those instructions are for, right?

Cross-posted (later) on K2R

Updated Netflix thought: Dairy farms get together to raise prices…

9/15: Netflix thought: If dairy farms got together and hiked up the price of milk, would you blame your grocery store for raising their prices?

9/16: It must be the Netflix/studio milk/dairy farm analogy that’s got @Peerindex convinced that I write about breakfast cereal.

9/20: Updated Netflix thought: Dairy farms get together to raise prices, putting the squeeze on your local grocery store. The local store raises their prices to cover their higher costs. People blame the grocery store.

Then the grocery store responds by spinning off a separate store. One store will only sell milk in cardboard cartons and cheese. The other store will only sell milk in plastic bottles or yogurt. This is, of course, to make your life easier.

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Of course, there’s always The Oatmeal’s explanation:

Brion adds:

One store pipes fresh delicious milk direct to your faucets, but only carries 1% because the dairy cartel is being paid by another grocery chain for an exclusive right to whole, skim, and 2%.

Some thoughts I had about when it’s better to post something online immediately, and when it’s better to hold off for a bit.

Some thoughts I had about when it’s better to post something online immediately, and when it’s better to hold off for a bit.

Wayne: Good point. I’m a more later kind of poster mainly because I want to live in the moment. Posting as you experience an event can leave one distracted and I want to get my full “money’s worth” before I go talk about it otherwise I may not have much to talk about. ;p

Though I’ve always wanted to try a live twitter feed of a big presentation like the E3 press conferences with a laptop just for the fun of having the event flow from my fingertips. But that’s mainly because I wouldn’t need to move and I can type without looking at the keyboard. ;>

Me: Great point about actually experiencing an event rather than reporting on it.

I’ve liveblogged a couple of Comic-Con panels, which was kind of neat – but they were all annoucement/Q&A, like a press conference, so they were kind of built for that to begin with. It was neat interacting with people who weren’t there, though, as they offered comments and questions during the event.

Wayne: hehe exactly, I’ve been part of some live tweet sessions giving those comments myself which makes me want to try hosting one. As you said for news bytes they’re short blurts already. (Made for the ADD generation! ;p) So might as well blurt more on it and share. :>